- Logically isolated Virtual Private Cloud
- Region -> VPC -> Internet/Virtual Private Gateway -> Router -> route table -> network ACL (stateless) -> subnet -> security group (stateful)
- Private Subnets - http://CIDR.xyz
- - (10/8)
- - (172.16/12)
- - (192.168/16)
- Largest subnet in a VPC is /16
- VPC Peering - between subnets, across accounts, etc. NO Transitive Peering
- Can’t have subnet span an AZ (1 subnet = 1 AZ)
- /16 - has 5 reserved addresses : .0 .1 .2 .3 .255
- Create a new VPC comes w/ default Route Table, Network Access Control List (NACL) and a default Security Group (no subnets created, no default internet gateway)
- AZ’s are randomized (us-east-1a is different between accounts)
- VPN consists of Customer Gateway and Virtual Private Gateway (sits at edge of VPC)
- 5 VPCs allowed per region
- By default, a security group includes an outbound rule that allows all outbound traffic.
- AWS releases your instance's public IP address when it is stopped, hibernated, or terminated.
- The purpose of an egress-only internet gateway is to allow IPv6 based traffic within a VPC to access the internet, whilst denying any internet based resources to connection back into the VPC
- Create VPC
- Create Subnets in 1 or more AZ. Autoassign IP for ones that will be public
- Create Internet Gateway and attach to VPC (only one IGW per VPC)
- Create Route table. Set route for internet (, ::0) to IGW
- Associate subnet w/ Routing table
- Use security group to talk between subnets (Security groups can’t span VPCs)
- NAT Gateway - HA gateway (redundant inside an AZ) - can’t span AZ. 5Gbps and scales to 45Gbps, no patching needed, no security groups. Can have multiple NAT GW in multiple AZ and configure routing per AZ. Automatically assigned a public IP address. Make sure to update your route tables.
- NAT Instance - single instance (not HA) - must disable source/destination check (phasing out) - add to route table and use instance for target. make sure Security Group for instance allows for access w/ source of private subnet. Must be in public subnet.
- Network Access Control Lists - stateless
- Deny everything by default for new custom NACL. (Default NACL allows all in/out)
- Need both inbound and outbound rules
- Evaluate by rule numbers
- Ephemeral ports: 1024 - 65535 (to do yum updates will need them open for both inbound and outbound)
- Each VPC must be associated w/ a NACL - if not automatically associated w/ default NACL
- Can be used to block IP Addresses - can’t do this w/ security groups
- 1 NACL : n subnet
- 1 subnet : 1 NACL (a subnet can be associated w/ only one network ACL at a time)
- Elastic Load Balancers and custom VPC:
- Need at least 2 public subnets
- Will stop you from connecting subnet not connected to IGW (not public)
- VPC Flow Logs - capture info about IP traffic in VPC
- CloudWatch logs / S3
- 3 Levels
- Subnet
- Network Interface Level (ENI)
- Can’t enable flow logs for VPCs that are peered w/ your VPC unless the peer is in your account
- Can tag, can’t change configuration
- Not all IP traffic is monitored - Amazon DNS, Windows License,, DHCP, traffic to reserved IPs in VPC are all not monitored
- S3 is more cost effective long term for storage over Cloudwatch
- Bastion Host / Jump Box - securely administer EC2 instances. Can’t use a NAT gw as a bastion host.
- Direct Connect - dedicated network connection from your premises to AWS
- Cages in same data center - hi throughput workload + stable and reliable secure connection
- Customer data center -> Direct Connect DC Customer/Partner router -> x-connect to DX Router -> DX Connection to AWS Region/Backbone.
- Does not traverse the internet
- An upgrade from VPN
- Configure:
- Create a virtual interface in the Direct Connect console. This is a PUBLIC virtual interface
- VPC Console -> VPN Connections -> Create Customer Gateway
- Create a Virtual Private Gateway
- Attach the Virtual Private Gateway to the desired VPC
- Select VPN Connections and create a new VPN Connections
- Select the Virtual Private Gateway and the Customer Gateway
- Once the VPN is available, setup the VPN on the customer gateway or firewall
- Global Accelerator
- Improve availability and performance of your apps. Directs traffic to optimal endpoints over the AWS global network. Avoids using many ISPs/networks (uses edge network)
- Components:
- 2 static IP addresses provided or BYO
- Accelerator - directs - 1 or more listeners
- DNS Name - *.awsglobalaccelerator.com
- Network Zone - services static IP addresses, isolated unit w/ own physical infrastructure (like a AZ) - 2 zones
- Listener - TCP
- Endpoint Group - one or more associated w/ listener. Associated w/ a specific AWS region. Traffic dial to adjust percentage of traffic to go to endpoint group - can be used for blue/green deployments
- Endpoint - NLB, ALB, EC2, Elastic IP. Can have weights. Can be internet or internal
- VPC Endpoints
- privately connect you VPC to AWS Services powered by PrivateLink, no IGW, NAT, VPN or Direct Connect. Don’t require public IP. doesn’t leave AWS
- virtual devices - horizontally scaled, redundant, HA
- Interface Endpoint - ENI with private IP address - many services
- Gateway Endpoint - like NAT Gateway - S3 / DynamoDB
- AWS PrivateLink
- Sharing Applications across VPCs:
- Open VPC to internet - security, everything in public subnet is public
- VPC Peering - manage many different peering relationships. Whole network accessible
- Private Link
- Best way to expose VPC to tens/hundreds/thousands
- Requires a NLB on the service VPC and ENI on the customer VPC
- AWS Transit Gateway
- Simplified single point where all connections can connect in to
- Thousands of VPC
- Hub and spoke model
- Works on regional basis - but can have it across multiple regions
- Access it from multiple AWS accounts using RAM (Resource Access Manager)
- Can use route tables to limit how VPCs talk to one another
- Works with Direct Connect as well as VPN connections
- Supports IP multicast (not supported by any other AWS Service)
- AWS VPN CloudHub
- Single Virtual Private Gateway
- Hub and Spoke model (can talk spoke to spoke)
- Low cost, easy to manage - operates over public internet, but vpn encrypted
- Network Costs
- Free Traffic In to VPC
- Connect to same AZ via private IP = free
- AZ to AZ via private IP ~ $0.01/Gb
- AZ to AZ via public Ip / internet ~$0.02
- VPC to VPC - inter-region ~ $0.02
- Private over public IP to save costs
- Stay in one AZ is free