- Not region specific
- Default access for User is no access to any AWS Services
- User sign in URL is different than the root user's
- Power User = all services except management of groups and users in IAM
- Deny for a user will override any other policy
- Roles are more secure than access keys. Roles are universal (not tied to region).
AWS Organizations
- Root for billing only - use MFA
- OU - finance, dev, etc
- Apply policies to OU
- Consolidated Billing - volume pricing discount
- Paying account is independent (root)
- Service Control Policies
Advanced IAM
- AWS Directory Service
- Standalone directory in the cloud
- Use existing corporate creds
- SSO to any domain-joined EC2 instance
- Hierarchical db of users, groups, computers - trees / forests
- Kerberos, LDAP, NTLM Auth
- AWS Managed Microsoft AD
- 2 Domain Controllers (DC) in 2 AZ
- Reachable in VPC
- Add DCs for HA/performance
- Exclusive access to DCs
- Extend to existing AD using AD trust
- Responsibility of customer: User, groups, GPA, standard AD tools, trusts, scale out DCs, federation
- Simple AD
- Standalone managed directory
- Small <= 500; Large <= 5K users
- Easier to manage ECs
- Linux workloads that need LDAP
- Doesn’t support AD trusts (can’t extend to on-prem)
- AD Connector
- Directory gateway (proxy) for on-premises AD
- Avoid caching in cloud
- Allow on-premises users to log in to AWS using AD
- Join EC2 instances to your existing AD domain
- Scale across multiple AD connectors
- Cloud Directory (Not AD compatible)
- Directory-based store for developers
- Multiple Hierarchies for hundred of millions fo objects
- Use cases: org charts, course catalogs, device registries
- Fully managed service
- Amazon Cognito User Pools (Not AD compatible)
- Managed user directory for Saas applications
- Sign-up / in for web or mobile
- Works w/ Social media identities
- IAM Policies
- Amazon Resource Name - ARN
- arn:partition:service:region:account_id: arn:aws:s3:us-east-1:123456789012
- Ends with resource, resource_type/resource, resource_type/resource/qualifier
- Omitted value is :: (e.g. IAM has no region, s3 doesn’t need account id or region :::)
- identity policy
- Resource policy
- No effect until attached
- Policy document is list of statements - each statement matches an AWS API request
- Effect: Allow/Deny
- Action: service:operation (DynamoDB:BatchGet"
- Resource it’s against
- Inline policies can be attached direct to Role (not a best practice)
- Not explicitly allowed == implicitly denied
- Explicit deny > everything else
- Only attached policies have effect (when attached to Role)
- AWS joins all applicable policies
- Permission Boundaries
- Used to delegate administration to other users
- Prevent privilege escalation or unnecessarily broad permissions
- Control maximum permissions an IAM Policy can grant
- Use cases:
- Developers creating roles for Lambda functions
- Application owners creating roles for EC2 instances
- Admins creating ad hoc users
- Example: User has policy of Administrator but setting permission boundary to AmazonDynamoDbFullAccess won’t let them get anything more than that
- Amazon Resource Name - ARN
- AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM)
- If have individual accounts or organization, allows resource sharing between accounts
- 8 types: app mesh, aurora, codebuild, ec2, ec2 image builder, license manager, resource groups, route 53
- Example: launch EC2 instances in a shared subnet
- Invitations must be accepted in RAM
- AWS Single Sign-On
- Centrally manage access to AWS accounts and business applications
- Can use existing corporate identities
- SAML 2.0 enabled applications (if see on exam, look for SSO)